Project activities at NSU

WP1. Analysis of the need of learning English language among Naryn community and Naryn State University

— UNICO project was presented at NSU in the aim of introduction of goals, objectives and its benefit to NSU and Naryn community

— NSU University Council agreed on this project and special language and lifelong learning courses

WP2. Syllabus Design

Syllabuses worked out for courses at NSU

  • Syllabus for Beginners
  • Syllabus for Bankers
  • Syllabus for Veterinarians
  • Syllabus for Energy Industry
  • Syllabus for Russian learners
  • Syllabus for Academy

They were discussed at the department meeting and were approved

The 1st Cohort of Courses-80 students, May-July, 2015

Target Group № 1- Bankers -10 students
Target Group № 2- Ecologists -11 students
Target Group № 3- Bankers-11 students
Target Group № 4- Bankers -12 students

Target Group № 5-Vets -13 students

Target Group № 6 — School students — 11 students

Target Group № 7- Russian language learners-12

The 2nd Cohort of Courses-72 students, January-June, 2016

Target Group № 1- Pre-Intermediate 1 (Bankers)-22 students
Target Group № 2-Pre-Intermediate 2 (Vets, Eco)-20 students
Target Group № 3- Teachers, 16 students
Target Group № 4-Inclusive Education, 14 students

Puppet Theatre and Poetry Club goals:

  • Developing English Language as ESL;
  • Overcoming the language with the help of English teachers;
  • Encouraging students' activeness, motivation;
  • Improving students' tacit skills such as skills of a interpreter, artistic skills, skills of reciting poems, creating poems;
  • Communicating with each others during group works;

Increasing students' interest to learning as one of the source to establish a carrier


ELT Training:

  • «Principles of Communicative Methodology on ELT for University English Teachers » NSU sponsored by the TEMPUS UNICO in Kyrgyzstan


Course Length: 4 days

Date: November 28−29, December 05−06, 2014

This is an 24 — hour course, 6 hours a day for 4 days

Course Tutor: Chorobaeva Narynkul, Ainura Aidaralieva, Zhaparova Kosmira,

Zhaparova Kanykei

Brief Course Overview

The training is designed for university English teachers working at Naryn State University. It is aimed at helping the participants to acquire knowledge about a learner -centered, activity-based, communicative approach and critical thinking strategies to English language teaching. This course aims to use rubrics in assessment of students' knowledge in learning of a language. In November university teachers are supposed to have four days training at NSU. The university teachers are helped to acquire some core teacher-training skills necessary in teaching English language. After the training participants of the course are expected to provide two demo lessons and be observed by the course trainers. They are supposed to give feedback university teachers about their lessons.

Course objectives

  • By the end of the course, the participants will be able to:
  • Obtain the knowledge of Communicative Methodology to develop lesson plans;
  • Be involved in making two demo lessons on Communicative Methodology;
  • Gain training skills for their professional and educational experience and achievements;
  • Use critical thinking strategies in teaching;
  • Use rubrics in assessing students' knowledge/portfolios;

Course requirements


  • In order to pass the course, the participants MUST attend all the sessions. Exceptions are made only in the most serious circumstances, by prior consultation with the course trainers.


  • As this is a short intensive course, it is important for all participants to make the most of their time in class and take an active part in all training sessions.


  • The participants must complete all the assignments in order to pass the courses.


Research work

Research articles on sustainability of the project were published:

Вестник НГУ, 2015 «Роль проекта ТЕМПУС Юнико для жителей Нарынского региона»

Известия Вузов, 2015 «Роль международных проектов в устойчивом развитии системы образования Кыргызстана»

Вестник НГУ, 2016 «Materials Development in Teaching Reading»

Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Образование в течение всей жизни в эпоху знаний: теоретические и практические аспекты иноязычного образования», 2015, «Образование в течение всей жизни как ответ на процессы глобализации»

Training for teachers, September, 2015

Covered topics at the training:

  • New trends in teaching English
  • Materials development problems
  • Assessment techniques
  • Tacit Skills Development
  • Lifelong Learning, Using Video Films in English classes

The training was organized by UNICO Centre staff.

The purpose of the training was to provide the opportunity for teachers from Naryn town and Naryn region schools to enrich their methodology skills in teaching English.

16 teachers from Naryn town schools and 18 teachers from Naryn region schools participated in the training.

Project Meeting at KRSU, Bishkek, October, 2016

Presented topics at the meeting:

  • Materials development in teaching reading
  • English Language for people with physical and mental disabilities
  • Engaging students in extracurricular activities to maximize their tacit skills

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English Language for people with physical and mental disabilities

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In cooperation with the Rehabilitation Centre «Kadam» in Naryn town Unico Centre organized a course of English for children with physical and mental disabilities. 14 students and their parents took part in this course.

Engaging students in extracurricular activities to maximize their tacit skills

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Project Meeting at UCL, London, November, 2016

  • agreed on the short courses for graduates
  • agreed on the visits of professors from UCL
  • gave the programs for evaluation
  • visited classes and discussed the relevance of the discipline academic writing for different categories
  • discussed the possibility of joint publications in Springer
  • talked about the prospects for further cooperation at the departmental, the institute and the university levels

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